Selasa 05 Jan 2016 15:37 WIB

Observer: Sutiyoso's approach could be replicated in Papua

Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The approach adopted by State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Chief Sutiyoso to handle the Din Minimi-led armed rebel group in Aceh could be implemented in Papua, University of Indonesia's political observer, Arbi Sanit, stated here, Tuesday.

"This is the first time that the state is adopting a peaceful approach and dialog to counter separatism in the country," he pointed out.

The repressive approach earlier adopted by security forces has proven to be wrong and ineffective in solving conflicts.

On the other hand, the action taken by the BIN chief tends to be more political and considered to be a win-win solution as it provides space and opportunity to the opponent to engage in a dialog.

Moreover, the BIN, as the representative of the state, also provides what is needed by the rebel group.

"As long as they do not ask for something that could harm the country's integrity, I think it will be wise to fulfill it," Sanit stated.

Peaceful approach and dialog should be adopted against separatist groups in Papua who have threatened the country's security and integrity for years.

"I hope Sutiyoso also goes to Papua and finds a solution to the conflict there," Sanit affirmed.

In the process of delivering a peaceful solution, he suggested the government to involve international bodies as witnesses and mediators.

Specifically in Papua, Sanit has urged the government to involve a party that could represent the US government as the United States is concerned about the security situation in Papua in connection with its mining company, Freeport.

sumber : Antara
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