Kamis 10 Dec 2015 07:36 WIB

Hollande urges other parties to block far-right in election

Francois Hollande
Foto: ap
Francois Hollande

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PARIS -- French President Francois Hollande called Wednesday for the country's political parties to unite to block the far-right National Front (FN) in this weekend's regional elections.

With the anti-immigration party topping the poll in the first round last Sunday, Hollande's spokesman Stephane Le Foll quoted the president as saying there "needed to be clarity in the behaviour and attitude of all political leaders to defend the values of the Republic".

He said the elections were particularly important given the power that regional governments have over education, transport and environment policy.

Read: French right deals major blow to ruling socialists in local elections


"The regions have a major role in deciding the future" of the country, he said.

"This is a test of our unity," Hollande added.

French presidents usually try to be seen as remaining above party politics.

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