Ahad 29 Nov 2015 07:35 WIB

Indonesia and Korea form joint forum to develop villages

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Marwan Jafar
Marwan Jafar

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Rural, Disadvantage Regions, and Transmigration, Marwan Jafar's visit to South Korea on 24th to 26th November produced formation of joint forum to develop and build villages with concept of 'Saemaul Undong' in Indonesia.

Marwan explained, concept of 'Saemaul Undong' means developing villages with its local values. The development was participated by all circles in the village.

"In this concept, public participation is included in determining village development process," said Marwan, in Seoul, South Korea, Thursday (26/11).

In addition to 'application of concept of 'Saemaul Undong', the two countries also agreed to develop Information Network Village (Invil) in several villages which will be pilot projects. Seven regions in Indonesia was targeted, namely in Bantul, Gunung Kidul, Madura, Situbondo, Bondowoso, Garut, and Sukabumi.

"Later, this development will be supported by ministry of both countries. Ministry of Home Affair of South Korea even invited various Korean companies to realize concept of IT-based villages in Indonesia," Marwan explained.

As first Village Minister in Indonesia, Marwan believed, cooperation between Indonesia and Korea will continue to be more technical and scalable to realize acceleration of rural development in Indonesia.

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