Ahad 01 Nov 2015 18:00 WIB

Rural funds increase by 126 percent to Rp 47 trillion

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ministry of Rural, Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration stated that rural funds increased by 126 percent. Behind the increase, there were huge challenges that still need to be faced.

"Our challenge is what can be used by the village, according to the program of development and empowerment," said Director General of Village Empowerment of Ministry of Rural, Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration, Ahmad Erani Yustika, in Menteng, Jakarta, Saturday (31/10).

If the rural funds were initially only Rp 20.3 trilion and then it increased to Rp 47 trillion in State Budget 2016, villages could develop all its potential. However, Ahmad explained, there are three main things to be done in the use of rural funds.

The first thing is the deterioration in unemployment rate which was already set by the Parliament at 5.2 to 5.5 percent. Meanwhile, the Government in the previous year only dared to set at 5.6 percent.

Then, the Parliament also asked the poverty number to reach 9 to 10 percent. In fact, current poverty rate remained at 11.2 percent.

"In the last 10 years, poverty reduction was only 0.6 percent per year," Ahmad added.

Parliament also asked the inequality issue to be reduced to 0.39 percent, from the current amounted which was in 0.41 percent. So that three things would be great homeworks to help the sustainability of development in the region.

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