Senin 19 Oct 2015 17:46 WIB

Perhutani: Taekwood forest fire brought under control

Foto: rtr

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANYUMAS -- A teakwood forest fire in Tambaknegara village, Banyumas, Central Java, is now under control, the Forest Management Unit's administrator of the state-owned forestry firm Perhutani in East Banyumas Wawan Tri Wibowo stated here on Monday.

"Thank God, we have brought the fire under control. Hopefully, it can be extinguished soon," Wawan noted.

The firefighting effort at the teakwood plantation was undertaken by forestry personnel assisted by the military and police, the local community, as well as fire engines from the Banyumas Disaster Management Agency (BPBD).

Nevertheless, Wawan remarked that the reason behind the blaze in the teakwood forest is still being investigated.

According to the forestry firm, the teakwood forest fire, which took place in the Tambaknegara village, Rawalo sub-district, Banyumas, was brought under control at around 12:45 p.m. local time.

Currently, several officials are still making efforts to extinguish the remnants of the embers in a bid to prevent any fire sparks from possibly triggering another forest fire.

It was earlier reported that the fire broke out in the teak forest at around 11:30 p.m. local time.

The forest itself is located on the northern side of the road connecting Purwokerto and Cilacap/Bandung.

Joint personnel from the forestry department, military, and police were assisted by the local communities who worked in tandem to extinguish the fire.

The nearby traffic on the main road of Purwokerto-Cilacap was not affected by the forest fire.

sumber : Antara

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