Senin 12 Oct 2015 23:05 WIB

Govt sets 12 priority sectors to face AEC

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
M Hanif Dhakiri
Foto: istimewa
M Hanif Dhakiri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Labor, M Hanif Dhakiri, said the government has set 12 priority sectors for ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). This was to accelerate the implementation of Indonesian National Work Competence Standards (SKNNI) and Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) in all sectors.

"To support this, the government set up some strategies to prepare for labor policy," he said, Sunday (11/10).

The 12 priority sectors were tourism, health, logistics, aviation, communications and information technology, agriculture, wood, rubber, automotive, textile or garment, electronics, and fishing. Until August 2015, there had been 482 SKKNI for all sectors.

"We continue to encourage each sector to immediately undertake the preparation of labor competence standards in their respective profession," Hanif explained.

Another policy strategy taken was acceleration of implementation of work competence certification for Indonesian workers which would be recognized nationally and internationally.

"The application of labor competence certification is one way to increase the competence of workers to be ready to face the competition," he added.

Job training and labor competence certification were important parts of the investment in qualified human resources in Indonesia for global competition. Competence was crucial as authentic proof of competence work includes aspects of knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

"Therefore, the government continues to encourage the Indonesian workers to have competence certification. So that they can compete with workers from other countries," said Hanif.

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