Ahad 04 Oct 2015 21:15 WIB

Helicopter and Raider Battalion deployed to find Aviastar aircraft

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
 Tim Basarnas melakukan koordinasi pencarian pesawat Aviastar DHC6/PK-BRM di Posko Basarnas, Bandara Andi Jemma, Masamba, Luwu Utara, Sulawesi Selatan, Ahad (4/10). (Antara/Sahrul Manda Tikupadang)
Tim Basarnas melakukan koordinasi pencarian pesawat Aviastar DHC6/PK-BRM di Posko Basarnas, Bandara Andi Jemma, Masamba, Luwu Utara, Sulawesi Selatan, Ahad (4/10). (Antara/Sahrul Manda Tikupadang)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAKASSAR -- Mi-17 helicopter belonged to Kodam VII/Wirabuana was deployed to help the search process of Aviastar Twin Otter aircraft. The aircraft which were reported lost contact in Masamba, North Luwu, South Sulawesi, Friday (2/10).

"The helicopter is diverted to help the search process. It will be used for searching the aircraft in locations of predetermined coordinates," said Military Commander VII/Wirabuana, Major General Bachtiar, in Makassar, Saturday (3/10).

The Mi-17 was planned to be used for training for parachutists at Losari Beach, Makassar in TNI 70th anniversary. However, it was aborted due to be deployed to search for Aviastar aircraft.

Head of National SAR Agency (Basarnas), Marshal Bambang Sulistyo, in a statement to reporters at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport Crisis Center, said that Basarnas was still doing the search. In the first day, there were three planes that were used.

"We planned to use four planes, but one plan couldn't be used due to technical reasons. Next week we will add other two sectors of search in the southern part, to become six sectors with eight flights," he said.

Helicopters of PT Bosowa also was deployed to help the search, so that there were four planes in total in second day. The search location were in four counties, namely Luwu, Toraja, Enrekang, and Palopo, South Sulawesi.

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