Rabu 23 Sep 2015 14:19 WIB

Rupiah weakens to Rp 14,637 per US dollar

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Rupiah traded among banks in Jakarta on Wednesday (23/9) morning, moved down by 85 points to Rp 14,637 compared to previous position at Rp 14,552 per US dollar.

Economist of Samuel Sekuritas, Rangga Cipta, said after the government cut its forecast of national economy growth, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) also cut its forecast for growth in Indonesia to only 4.9 percent and 5.4 percent until 2016.

"Market participants responded negatively to forecast of Indonesian economic growth this year and 2016. That conditions encouraged rupiah to decrease to the level of Rp 14,600 per US dollar," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday (23/9).

Rangga added, global conditions with negative sentiment, pushed US dollar continues to be hunted by the money market. It added pressure to rupiah on Wednesday (23/9).

Head of Research at First Asia Capital, David Nathanael Sutyanto, said the weakening of rupiah will give impact on the pace of business in the country. It affected Indonesia's economy in the future.

"The weakening of the rupiah was surprising. It is expected to continue especially needs of the US dollar tends to rise towards the end of the month and the third quarter," he said.

David expected the government and Bank Indonesia could more actively maintain the position of the exchange rate through various instruments, so it could improve the resilience of the Indonesian economy in the future.

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