Ahad 20 Sep 2015 18:33 WIB

Adhyaksa Dault to run for governor of Jakarta

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Adhyaksa Dault
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Adhyaksa Dault

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Former Minister of Youth and Sports Affairs, Adhyaksa Dault, was said that he will replace Ahok in Governor of Jakarta's election in 2017. Jakarta Care Forum, filled with Muslim leaders in Jakarta, ousted Adhyaksa into the upcoming governor of Jakarta period 2017-2022.

Forum of salingsapa.com was one of the groups that carries Adhyaksa to become the Governor of Jakarta. The members of the forum, include Rahmat Gobel, Fahira Idris, Djan Farid, Mahfud MD, and Yudi Latif, agreed to support Adhyaksa to lead Jakarta.

A member of Jakarta Care Forum l, KH Wahfiuddin, said Jakarta needed to be updated. Jakarta needed to have a leader who can improve the mental and psychological of Jakarta residents.

"Often leaders in Jakarta only focus on physical development, but actually mental and moral development is most important," he said.

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