Rabu 09 Sep 2015 18:34 WIB

President urges banks to strengthen Rupiah

Foto: VOA

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo, who is well known as Jokowi, has urged banks to strengthen the Rupiah by encouraging their customers to use the currency in local transactions.

Speaking at the Indonesia Banking Expo (Ibex) 2015 at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) on Wednesday, Jokowi asked the banks to engage customers, especially from the business community, to undertake practices that can help improve the Rupiah's exchange rate.

Moreover, the President instructed the business community to disburse their export value in the country to help meet the needs of the U.S. dollar. "We need dollars now," Jokowi said.

The President also urged the business community to invest their foreign exchange reserves in the country. Besides that, the President also asked banks to encourage customers to be obedient and pay taxes on time as a civic duty.

Jokowi pointed out that banks' director could ask customers to adopt certain measures.

During his speech, President Jokowi also welcomed the Finance Service Authority's (OJK's) policy to make it easier for foreigners to open foreign currency accounts in banks in Indonesia.

"By using their passports, they can open an account with a maximum amount of US$50,000," Jokowi remarked.

He said this could become a source of foreign funds flowing into Indonesia.

"It does not matter if it is only a small amount, but it could become a very large influx of funds if it is grows in size," he added.

Jokowi also said that he is constantly in communication with the business community.

"I routinely gather and meet with businessmen, a group of seven people. I give them an overview of the current economic growth, what the government should do, and tell them about ongoing projects," he stated.

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