Senin 20 Jul 2015 16:48 WIB

DPD: Arrest those behind Tolikara incident

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Fahira Idris
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Fahira Idris

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The incidence of assault, destruction and burning stalls as well as a mosque in Tolikara during Eid al-Fitr was already cracked the religious harmony in Papua. Whereas Papua’s society known to be very tolerant especially in religion.

This event should be a signal to the government that was currently various ways being carried out by irresponsible parties to make Papua continue to turbulent.

"Lest that is processed by law only those who were directly involved during the attack. The brain behind this incident must also be arrested and prosecuted and revealed what his motives. The government must move quickly and focus so this incident did not spread everywhere. Don’t even release statements that is counterproductive, "said Deputy Chairman of Committee III of DPD Fahira Idris, in Jakarta, on Monday, July 20.

Fahira said security approach in Papua currently not balanced with human security approach (human security), as a result, any issue in Papua was always considered to be security. The incident in Tolikara became a sign that the government was less anticipate that the issue of religion in Papua that was considered fine it also could be a potential conflicts of tremendous destructive exceeded the separatist movement.

In fact, for the Tolikara incident the seeds of will occur the incident was already plastered real with the circulation of a letter from the Evangelical Church in Indonesia (GIDI) which contained a prohibition for Muslims to celebrate Eid in Karubaga, Tolikara, Papua Province.

"The incident of this intolerance is expected to change the mindset of all stakeholders in Papua both elements of the central government, security forces, local authorities, religious leaders, and community leaders that the current religious issues is being 'played' to rummage through Papua. Any small seeds should be immediately communicated the solution, "said Fahira.

Fahira which also MUI in Education and Cadre field urged the government to continue to communicate developments of Tolikara incident handling to the Indonesian people.

"I urge people, especially Muslims to refrain, ideally accompanied by rapid and precise work of the government to reveal this case. The most important is the public's sense of justice and humanity which were disturbed by this incident should be restored," said Fahira.

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