Selasa 07 Jul 2015 16:48 WIB

IPW: Police become KPK commissioners is a backward step

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Neta S Pane
Foto: Ist
Neta S Pane

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of the Presidium of the Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) Neta S Pane said that the appearance of police officers in the nomination of regional heads and other institutions was a positive thing for the police’s image and also could be a benchmark for the public's confidence on police institutions that have tended to be negative.

However, the appearance of police officers and Attorney officials in the ranks of KPK commissioner was a backward step. "Because the birth of the Commission KPK was due to the inability of the police and prosecutors in combating corruption," he said in a press release received by Republika on Tuesday, July 7.

IPW hoped that KPK’s Selection Committee Team will examine the presence of police officers and prosecutors who register as commissioner of KPK. If the police officers and prosecutors entered the ranks of KPK Commissioners, the commission should be disbanded and the government encouraged strengthening the National Police and the Attorneys General Office in combating corruption.

According to him, KPK would be very strange, if initially formed due to the inability of the police and the prosecutors, but the commissioners from the police and prosecutors. In plain view, the ability and commitment of the police to register as a KPK commissioner could be measured, among others, when they became the district police chief, regional police chief or other police officers.

"Did they ever disassemble or handle cases of corruption, especially in its internal. If they never or did not want to unload cases of corruption, especially in the internal, and what can be expected of them when sitting became commissioner of KPK, "Neta added.

Neta continued, various survey agencies said that the police as the most corrupt institution, so it was doubtful they could clean up or unload cases of internal corruption in the police. To that end, Pansel must work hard and should avoid things that were "funny" in the 4th KPK.

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