REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of the Union of Islam (Persis), Maman Abdurahman, said he was planning to bring hijab of women TNI discourse in the Ijtima Forum in 'Ulama Indonesia Ulema Council (MUI) on the beginning of next month. He was optimistic that the rule of hijab for women TNI could be encouraged to be ratified.
"I will try to push the MUI and Islamic organizations to discuss this military hijab discourse. Tomorrow there is ijtima meeting of ulema in Central Java, on June 7, I will talk with the MUI and the ulema in attendance," he said to ROL on Friday, May 29.
After being welcomed to statements of TNI Chief Gen. Moeldoko related to hijab for women TNI, people are disappointed due to the clarification given by Head of Information Center of TNI, Major General Fuad Basya which stated that hijab was only allowed for soldiers who served in Aceh.
Maman assessed, the statements of TNI Commander could also intended as a discourse beginning to see the public response. The sure thing, because the discourse has been formed and welcomed by the public, Islamic organizations have to push it.
“As hard as military, nothing is impossible. In countries with a majority of non-Muslims only, hijab was finally able to be allowed even though the number of Muslims only five or ten percent. Especially in the case of Indonesia which Muslim-majority," he said.
Forum Ijtima’ Ulama MUI this year will be held in Tegal, Central Java. A number of issues will be discussed, namely fatwa for the leader’s promise when campaign, land regulations, the issue of terrorism and ISIS, Fatwa repeatedly hajj, as well as the subject of a number of Islamic economics.