Senin 11 May 2015 13:03 WIB

PKB lawmaker urges to empower law to counter prostitution

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Members of House of Representative (DPR) from the National Awakening Party (PKB) faction, Siti Masrifah were assessing that the government and DPR need to improve the rules for prosecuting suspects and prostitution networks. She said the existing laws still too weak to be applied.

"Judging by judicial of artist’s pimp who had just caught yesterday, it seems the applicable law does not make any sense. There is only a one year and four months sentence penalty in prison and a fine of IDR 15,000. In fact, we know prostitution service usage rates in the tens to hundreds of millions,” Siti said on Monday, May 11.

As a result, Siti said, it is reasonable if all type prostitution arose due to weak law.

"Therefore, there should be laws that strengthen the criminal justice system of prostitution. The concrete form can aggravate penalties and increase fines, in accordance with their activities," she added.

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