Ahad 05 Apr 2015 10:45 WIB

Surabaya residents regret slow action to fight dengue fever

Fogging is a methode to combat dengue fever. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang
Fogging is a methode to combat dengue fever. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Several residents of the East Java provincial capital of Surabaya have expressed regret over the slow action taken by the local health office and the public health service posts to address cases of dengue fever.

"Some time ago, I reported to the health office that five children suffered from dengue fever and one of them died in my kampong. They said they would carry out fogging but didn't. My son is also suffering from dengue fever and is being hospitalized," Indriatno, a resident of Pondok Maritim Indah housing complex, said on Saturday.

Indriatno added that his 11-year old son, Nala Widyadhana, was admitted to Khodijah Hospital on Saturday because his thrombocyte count fell.

"The doctor said my son suffered from dengue fever and will no longer develop symptoms of the disease," he pointed out.

Another resident, Topan, stated that he had just learned from the head of the neighborhood association that two people had died of dengue fever two weeks ago.

"The head of the neighborhood association had asked (the health office) to conduct fogging soon after the disease claimed the lives of two people. I have written a letter (to the health office) with a copy addressed to the mayor," he affirmed.

sumber : Antara
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