Selasa 24 Feb 2015 14:14 WIB

ITC mall's traders and visitors undeterred by bomb explosion

Police Line (ilustrasi)
Police Line (ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DEPOK -- The ITC shopping center in Depok, a satellite city located south of Jakarta, remained crowded with traders and visitors on Tuesday morning, despite a medium-intensity blast near one of the mall's toilets on Monday evening.

Several visitors and traders informed Antara that the incident failed to terrorize them, saying that they felt secure in the mall due to the professionalism shown by the police.

"I do believe that the ITC Mall remains secure and safe because I saw the police officers professionally handle the incident yesterday," said Idrus, a local trader.

Mansyur, another trader, echoed Idrus' opinion, saying that he did not give in to the fear that those masterminding the home-made bomb plot wanted to instill.

"I am keeping my shop open today because this is the only source of income to feed my family," he said.

Riko, a visitor to the mall, said he was not affected by the bomb blast.

"I regularly visit the ITC Mall because the traders here offer a variety of goods at affordable prices," he noted.

No fatalities were reported in the medium-intensity blast, which occurred in the busy mall in Depok city, and it did not cause any serious damage, the ITC public relations officer Katarina Dwi said.

The explosion, originating from a brown cardboard, took place on the second floor near a toilet inside the building, she added.

sumber : Antara

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