Rabu 07 Jan 2015 06:34 WIB

European Union critisizes Israel over withholding taxes

European Union's flag (illustration)
Foto: en.wikipedia.org
European Union's flag (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, RAMALLAH -- Chair of the European Union's delegation to the Palestinian Legislative Council Sinn F'in MEP Martina Anderson Monday criticized Israel's decision to withhold taxes from the Palestinian Authority which Israel collects on its behalf, after the PA applied to join the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Anderson described the move as 'counterproductive' which will only lead to increasing tensions in the region. 'This money raised through taxes belongs to the Palestinian people and should be handed over immediately.'

She affirmed that the PA's decision to join the ICC is right considering that it is the elected representative of the Palestinian people.

The Israeli opposition of the move is because it fears what the ICC will uncover about its actions during last year's onslaught in Gaza and that's what has prompted this retrograde step, she said.


Anderson added, 'This is yet another example of the Israelis attacking the Palestinian Authority for pursuing a political route to address the injustices faced by the Palestinian people.'

sumber : Antara

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