Kamis 01 Jan 2015 02:24 WIB

National Dzikir of Republika celebrated with shalawat

National Dzikir of Republika
Foto: Republika/ Yasin Habibi
National Dzikir of Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- All participants of National Dzikir of Republika chanted shalawat for Prophet Peace be Upon Him (PBUH) before the end of 2014 in the Great Mosque At-Tin.

About 100 students from Daarul Quran led the shalawat, Wednesday (31/12). It was followed by the attendants

The Dhikr ceremony led by the students becomes one of the most awaited events because it was the center point of the ceremony.

It consisted of afterthought and commemoration of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

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