Rabu 17 Dec 2014 18:07 WIB

Ministry of Defense plans to deploy drones in border areas

Rep: Reja Irfa Widodo/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Monister of Defense Ryamizard Ryacudu (file)
Foto: edwin/republika
Monister of Defense Ryamizard Ryacudu (file)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- In a move to beef up security in borders and outer islands, Ministry of Defense will deploy drones in borders. The drones will monitor situation in borders as well as securing markers of the borders.

Minister of Defense Ryamizard Ryacudu said Indonesia always faced similiar problem on borders. "Our markers are always shifting. We try to solve the problems," Ryacudu said on Wednesday, December 17.

Besides placing drones, Ryacudu also plans to build roads connecting eastern and western part of Indonesia, especially in borders in Kalimantan.

He also ensures that President Joko Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla are committed to raise defense budger. The minister said that the budget could increase three times from the previous one. "We never ask, but Jokowi is committed to raise our budget," he said.

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