Senin 13 Oct 2014 00:01 WIB

Facebook founder to meet Jokowi on Monday

Mark Zuckerberg
Foto: Reuters
Mark Zuckerberg

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The elected president, Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo will meet the Facebook founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg on Monday. However, Jokowi is still reluctant to explain what will be discussed at the meeting.

"Yes, we will meet tomorrow," Jokowi said on Sunday.

Zuckerberg has arrived in Indonesia. He directly visited Yogyakarta to enjoy the sunrise from the top of Borobudur temple.

"I just arrived in Indonesia and went to Borobudur to watch the sunrise," Zuckerber wrote in his official Facebook account.

He also posted a photo himself at Borobudur temple. He wore a green colored shirt with black shorts while facing sunrise. In addition, Zuckerberg explained that he came to Indonesia to meet operators and internet developers in Jakarta.

"I cannot wait to meet internet developers, operators and government leaders in Jakarta tomorrow," he said. Bayu Hermawan/Mutia Ramadhani

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