Selasa 07 Oct 2014 16:14 WIB

BKPM targets 15 percent of investment growth in 2015

Rep: Ita Nina Winarsih/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) targets 15 percent of investment growth in 2015 due to the country's investment climate is still profitable. BKPM's total investment in 2014 reaches 406 trillion IDR.

Head of BKPM, Mahendra Siregar explained that Indonesia experienced the investment increases in the last three years. It proves a better investment climate in the country.

"Although the political situation heats up, but it has no significant impact on investment," Siregar said on Tuesday.

Hence, the investment climate needs to be maintained by improving the quality and bureaucratic reform with the establishment of one-stop licensing agency. Currently, majority of provinces and districts or cities in Indonesia already have such institution. It will simplify business licensing in each area.

BPKM continues to encourage each region to improve its licensing agency, like maintaining services quality, human resources development, technical improvement, infrastructure and development system.

BKPM also collaborates with the National University of Singapore to improve the integrated one-stop licensing agency. This cooperation will drive the competitiveness of each region in future.

"In near future, we will compete in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)," Siregar said.

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