Senin 05 May 2014 04:31 WIB

Sports Minister Opens Motoprix Championship in Solo

Roy Suryo
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang
Roy Suryo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SOLO -- Youth and Sports Affairs Minister Roy Suryo opened the national championship of motorcycle racing "Motoprix Series 2" and inaugurated the use of semi-permanent circuit in Manahan area of Surakarta, Central Java on Sunday.

The minister, who was accompanied by Solo city Mayor F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo, then tried to surround the 1,200 meters long circuit track.

The Motoprix Series 2 national championship was participated in by around 200 racers across the country, contending 10 classes which locally called "Bebek 4T Tune Up 125 CC Seeded (MP-1). 110 CC Seended (MP-2), 125 CC Beginner (MP-3), and 110 CC Beginner (MP-4).

Roy Suryo hoped that the semi-permanent circuit development in Manahan would be able to suppress the number of wild racing events which are often found on public roads that lead to disrupting traffic or road users.

Apart from Solo, other cities in the country are also expected to develop semi-permanent circuits such as in the Manahan, in effort to search for new racers both at the national and international levels.

In addition, the minister also wished to develop the potential of youth and sports in the historic building in the Manahan Solo area.

sumber : Antara
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