Kamis 01 May 2014 05:07 WIB

Sunda Strait Bridge project still hindered by challenges

Rep: Niken Paramita/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Map of Sunda Strait
Foto: en.wikipedia.org
Map of Sunda Strait

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Sunda Strait Bridge project are still hindered by challenges. President Director of PT Graha Banten Lampung Sejahtera Agung R Prabowo, the initiator of Sunda Strait Bridge (JSS) project identified at least three challenges.

The first challenges comes from natural condition, including geographical condition in the area.

"We need high technology to anticipate Anak Krakatau (Child of Krakatau) volcano and also risk of earthquake in the area," Prabowo said then expressed his optimism to contain the challenge. 

Anak Krakatau volcano is predicted to erupt in 13 months. 

Prabowo said that there was also financial challenge to finance the mega project. Without elaborating the investment value, Prabowo said that challenge came from the feasibility study and finding the fund source. 

He also said that building JSS needed regulation which support the project. Those three challenges are addressed in feasibility study which run since 2004. 

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