REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesia sent 175 military personnel grouped in the Garuda Contingent XX-K (Konga XX-K) assigned to carry out peacekeeping mission for one year in Congo. The ceremony was attended by Commander of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) Moeldoko on Tuesday, Dec. 31.
The Indonesian KONGA XX-K will team up the UN's Mission de IOrganisation de republic des Nation Unies Pour la Stabilisation en Republique Democratique du Congo (MONUSCO) in carrying out their mission in that country.
Acting as the inspector of the ceremony to see off the contingent, the TNI commander stated that the dispatch of the 175 soldiers was to replace TNIs Konga XX-J/MONUSCO Task Force that will end its service in Congo in December.
Moeldoko added that the 175 personnel of Konga XX-K consisted of 148 Army officers, 18 from the Navy, five from the Air Force, and four from the TNI headquarters. The Konga XX-K Task Force is chaired by Major Nurdihin Adi Nugroho of the Mulawarman Regional Military Command VI.
"They depart on Tuesday night (Dec. 31) and will carry out their peace mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo," Moeldoko noted.
The TNI Commander explained that Konga XX-K/MONUSCO will work on road maintenance from Dungu to Ngilima, routine maintenance of the Dungu Runway, the construction of a helipad hangar, the asphalting of a taxi way and the repair of the 140 km Dungu-Faradje road.