Senin 23 Dec 2013 15:26 WIB

24 cases of possessing offensive weapons in Jan-Sept

Battlestar Galactica dueling roller coasters in Universal Studio in Singapore. (file photo)
Battlestar Galactica dueling roller coasters in Universal Studio in Singapore. (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SINGAPORE -- There were 124 reported cases of having unlawful possession of offensive weapons between January and September this year.

Last year, there were 134 cases and there were 164 cases in 2011.

The cases included improper use of toy guns and samurai swords, which had resulted in causing members of the public to feel threatened.

A man was arrested on 16 December for bringing a samurai sword on board a MRT train.

Retailers who sell replicas of toy guns and samurai swords said customers who buy these items generally comply with the safety instructions provided.

Diana Phee, director of Caesars, said: "A lot of consumers in Singapore are not aware that they are allowed to buy such items. We need to spend some time explaining to them on what they can do with all these items and what they can't. We also make an effort to print information slips for them to bring home."

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