Ahad 22 Dec 2013 16:10 WIB

Myanmar workers in Thailand granted special exemption

Welcome tour: Thai Prime Minister Shinawatra, right, looks back at President Obama during a press conference in Bangkok (mail online/file photo)
Foto: Mail Online
Welcome tour: Thai Prime Minister Shinawatra, right, looks back at President Obama during a press conference in Bangkok (mail online/file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YANGON -- The Thai authorities are expected to grant special exemption to undocumented Myanmar migrant workers working in Thailand at the request of the Myanmar Embassy, state media reported Sunday.

The Thai Labor Ministry is making arrangement for a cabinet resolution not to arrest Myanmar migrant workers, who passed the four years limit to work, during a period of 180 days, said the New Light of Myanmar.

Meanwhile, the Thai side has taken initial measures to issue visas to offspring of Myanmar immigrants at the request of the Myanmar Embassy following talks between Myanmar ambassador and the Thai Immigration Bureau commissioner recently.

As of Oct. 21, the Myanmar authorities have issued ordinary passports to Myanmar workers who are going to work in Thailand in accordance with the memorandum of understanding between the two countries.

According to the Myanmar Foreign Ministry, the Myanmar side is to open six ordinary passport issuing centers in Kawthoung, Htikhi, Mawtaung, Myawaddy, Tachileik as well as Bangkok-based Myanmar Embassy.

sumber : Antara
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