Kamis 12 Dec 2013 13:49 WIB

Russia warns America, ‘we will respond with nukes’

Russian Missile (Illustration)
Foto: telegraph.co.uk
Russian Missile (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MOSCOW -- Vice Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin has warned that Russia will use nuclear weapons if it comes under an attack, adding that this possibility serves as the main deterrent to potential provocateurs and aggressors.

Some media explained the statement was referred to United State's decisions to install a missile defense system in Europe.

“One can experiment as long as one wishes by deploying non-nuclear warheads on strategic missile carriers. But one should keep in mind that if there is an attack against us, we will certainly resort to using nuclear weapons in certain situations to defend our territory and state interests,” Rogozin, the defense industry chief said on Wednesday speaking at the State Duma, the lower house.

He pointed out that this principle is enshrined in Russia’s military doctrine. Any aggressor or group of aggressors should be aware of that, he said.


“We have never diminished the importance of nuclear weapons – the weapon of requital – as the great balancer of chances,” Rogozin said.

sumber : RT

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