Rabu 11 Dec 2013 20:28 WIB

'Indonesian constitution inseparable from Islamic values'

Rep: Fuji Pratiwi/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Hamdan Zoelva
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Hamdan Zoelva

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesian constitutional history cannot be separated from Islamic values. All five constitutions in Indonesia accommodated the Islamic implementation widely. Islamic values occupied its own position in this constitution.

"Islam and a country have never opposed because 1945 Constitution is including Islamic law," Indonesia's Chief Justice, Hamdan Zoelva said on Wednesday.

He explained that constitution was the highest agreement with citizens and the implementation of state power. Constitution also becomes a source of reference and state law.

Indonesia ever used five constitutions in its journey. Indonesia is still using 1945 Constitution until now. Despite missing its federation point, the freedom of religion remains contained in it. A Presidential Decree was issued on July 05, 1959 that nation's philosophy was restored to 1945 Constitution.

Islam law was highly visible in formation history of this country. The first principle of Pancasila - the philosophical basis of the Indonesian state - is Belief in the One and Only God. This principle of Pancasila reaffirmed the Indonesian people’s belief that God does exist. It also implies that the Indonesian people believe in life after death. It emphasized that the pursuit of sacred values will lead the people to a better life in the hereafter. The word 'God' can be different according to the understanding of each religion.

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