Senin 02 Dec 2013 13:17 WIB

Sorry Palestinians, you are forgotten..

Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri
Foto: Republika/Daan
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

The Palestinians are now no longer seems to have the attention of the world. Borrowing a term of politicians, fighting for independence of President Mahmoud Abbas nation at present time is not something too sexy. It's not popular.

Try to see who the world leaders are now concerned about the fate of the Palestinians? No one! They -the leaders of the world- are more preoccupied with their own domestic problems or the so called; more urgent problems of the world. The latter problem is for example the conflict in Syria or Iran's nuclear issue.

Don't you believe it? Let us consider the following facts. Muslim countries have an association called the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, consisting of 57 countries. Previously, its name was Organization of the Islamic Conference. For the fact, before and after transformation, its English abbreviation is OIC. People often label it as Oh I See.

This label was made based on the fact that high-level sessions attended OIC countries leaders (presidents, kings, prime ministers) did not produce anything concrete decision. Or it can be called only NATO aka 'No Action Talk Only' or no implementation. Take for example the issue of Palestine.

OIC was formed in September 1969 in response to the arbitrariness of Zionist Israel. A month earlier a group of Jews and Christians have been burned Aqsa Mosque. Two years before burning it, Zionist Israel has annexed Madinatul Quds (Jerusalem) as well as a number of Palestinian and Arab territories (Gaza, the Sinai Desert and the Golan Heights). However, since the formation of OIC up to now there is no significant progress related to the independence and liberation of the Palestinian people or Madinatul Quds.

What currently happen are precisely the deteriorating conditions of the Palestinian people. Their daily life was increasingly in difficulty. It's not clear whether they are at war or peace. In an unclear position, Zionist Israel has managed to build more power in the occupied Palestinian territories. Hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlements were built. Tourist objects belonging to Palestinian transformed to Jewish through brochures and tourist guide books.

Aqsa Mosque was not far from Israel's destruction and Zionist disruption. Some fringe of the mosque was excavated and tunnel was built. The Palestinians and Muslims were restricted and only women and old men who were permitted from praying in the mosque which is the first Qibla of Muslims. Even the crazier thing, in the courtyard around the mosque, musical concerts was regularly held and often took place at times of prayer.

All that happened safely and peacefully. There are only minor protests from some of the leaders of the Palestinian and Jordanian authorities. How about Islamic leaders who are members of the OIC? No action or NATO on its biennial summit which brought together its high-level delegation of 57 member states.

Then where is the position of the Arab League and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)? Arab League consisted of 22 Arab countries and NAM incorporated in it 120 developing countries. They have similar attitude. They are tweedledum and tweedledee with the OIC. They do not want or are not able to do much to help the Palestinians fight their independence. However, seeing the goals of the two organizations, it seems it was so great.

Let me quote the goal of the Arab League. Namely: strengthening Arab friendship, liberate Arab countries which still under occupation, preventing the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, and establishing cooperation in the political, military, and economic sectors. While the goals of the NAM are: ensuring the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of non-aligned countries in their struggle against imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, apartheid, Zionism, racism, and all forms of military aggression, occupation, domination, interference (hegemony) and to oppose all forms of political blocs.

However, once again, there are no much can be done by Arab League and the NAM to help liberate the Palestinians from Zionist Israel occupation. It should be noted, all Arab League members are also members of the OIC, and all members of the OIC -as well as the Arab League- were member of the NAM. By such membership, they -the leaders of the member states of the Arab League, the OIC, and the NAM- could become a united power against those who hinder freedom of the Palestinians. But, in fact, precisely the opposite happened.

The problems, among member countries often do not get along among themselves. Take for example the problem of Iran. It's no secret that a number of Arab countries, especially the Gulf countries, do not like the Iranian which considered to be very expansive to raise its influence in the Middle East region. They also feel threatened by the presence of a nuclear Iran. There is even a feeling that Iran is more dangerous than Zionist Israel.

The next issue is the conflict in Syria. Arab League member states, in particular the Gulf States, immediately wants to depose President Bashar Assad of the Syrian authorities. Even if necessary by armed force, inviting US military and its allies just like ever conducted against Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Muammar Qaddafi in Libya.

Syria and Iran's nuclear issue, indeed, should be resolved internally via the OIC, the Arab League, or NAM. However, because of disunity among them, instead they invite major power. Iran, even negotiate with the P5 +1 countries (the US, Britain, France, Russia, China plus Germany). The conflict in Syria planned to be solved via the United Nations and Russia brokered Geneva Conference II on 22 January. Even the settlement of the Palestinian issue, especially the Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations, had to wait for initiatives from the White House. So, because President Obama is busy with Iranian nuclear issue, Syrian conflict, and internal problems, the Palestinian-Israeli negotiation plan was to wait their turn.

By such conditions and without any authorization letter from the leaders of the world, I am very sad to say, "Sorry Palestinians, you are forgotten. At least for now."

Ed: Heri Ruslan

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