Senin 25 Nov 2013 13:20 WIB

Poll: Public want united Islamic parties in a coalition

Rep: Ira Sasmita/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Mahfud MD
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Mahfud MD

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Majority public in Indonesia want an Islamic coalition party as alternative force to face 2014 Presidential Election. This coalition was expected to unite Muslims in various political parties.

"About 45.6 percent of respondents agreed and assessed the need of Islamic coalition paty," Researcher of National Survey Institute, Dita Pradipta said recently.

Based on data, there are several reasons why public assessed the importance of Islamic coalition party. First, to maintain the unity of Muslims (23.11 percent). Second, public want Islamic Party to be the winner in Presidential Election next year (17.3 percent). About 8.4 percent respondents said that Islamic parties needed to form a coalition as they had same principle. It aims for advancement of people (7.3 percent), to maintain image of Muslims (4.3 percent), as well as other reason (5.1 percent).

About 80 percent respondents said that Islamic coalition party was possible to raise popularity of Islamic parties. A total of 96.9 percent of them chose United Development Party, Prosperous Justice Party (94.5 percent) and Crescent Star Party (80.6 percent). With levels above 80 percent, it means that Islamic Party was well known by public.

Pradipta added that to unite Islamic party was not easy as each party has different of specific ideology. Every Muslim party also has each figure that was considered strong. However, through an open survey, National Survey Institute asked respondents to mention a character or a figure who could unite Islamic party. 

Most of them answered Mahfud MD (16.4 percent), Rhoma Irama (9.6 percent), Suryadharman Ali (9.1 percent), Amin Rais (7.6 percent) and Din Syamsuddin (6.1 percent). They also gave names of Said Agil Siradj (5.4 percent), Yusril Ihza Mahendra (4.2 percent), Hidayat Nur Wahid (4.1 percent), Sholahuddin Wahid (3.2 percent) and Yusuf Mansyur (1.5 percent). 

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