Rabu 06 Nov 2013 19:03 WIB

How to treat people with HIV/AIDS in Islam

Medicine for patients are lined up for distribution at the HIV/AIDS ward in a hospital. (illustration)
Foto: Reuters/David Gray
Medicine for patients are lined up for distribution at the HIV/AIDS ward in a hospital. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Heri Ruslan

"MY servant is sick, if you visit and take care of him, you'll find ME there.*" (Hadith Qudsi).

Number of people living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) in Indonesia continues to increase. Based on data of Commission of AIDS Reduction (KPA), the number of AIDS patients in 1987 was still very few.

Two decades ago, there was only five cases of AIDS found in the country. In fact, until 10 years later, people with AIDS recorded only 44 cases.


Since 2007, the spread and the number of people with HIV/AIDS began sporadic and skyrocketing. In that year, AIDS cases in Indonesia have reached 2,947 cases.

In fact, until September 2009, based on data from the Ministry of Health, number of people with HIV/AIDS has reached 18,442 people, with the ratio of men by women reached three to one. Approximately 3,586 of them passed away.

In 2010, the number of people living with HIV/AIDS is predicted to reach 93 thousand to 130 thousand people. This condition is very alarming. 

Imagine. HIV/AIDS is a very dangerous disease. The condition is worse when people with HIV/AIDS often negatively stigmatized by surrounding community.

Its not infrequently, a community isolated and shut down all communication with HIV/AIDS infected persons. This often create their conditions grew worse.

Then how Muslims should behave, socialize or look after people with AIDS?

Indeed, scholars in Indonesia has created a guide or procedure on how to behave, to go around and look after AIDS patients in accordance to Islamic teaching.

"The teachings of Islam is laden with guidance to prevent disease as well as loaded with guidance for caring and treating sick people well," Chairman of the Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI) KH Ma'ruf Amin said as written in the guide book.

According to Kiai Ma'ruf, the sick person, for whatever reason, should be respected with a special place in Muslim society. 

The commands which line the importance of visiting and caring for the sick person have been mentioned in a Hadith Qudsi Allah SWT:

"O MY servant, I was 'sick' but you do not want to visit and care for me. Servant replied, "How am I able to see and care for you, while you are Lord of the Universe." Allah SWT replied, "My servant is sick, when you visit and take care of him/her, of course you will see ME there*."

In the hadith, Allah SWT has placed the position of sick people as if God Almighty himself is the victim. It means, people urged to always pay attention to those who are sick by providing moral and material support," Kiai Ma'Ruf said.

Thus, they should not be isolated morally from the community.

The teachings of Islam encourage people to pay attention and treat well all sick people, including people with HIV/AIDS.

However, the scholar warned not to treat the good that would likely in expense of others who do not infected with HIV/AIDS.

This norm was justified in the basic principles of Islam. "There must be neither harm nor the imposition of harm/ *لا ضرر ولا ضرار"

The Scholars of MUI related to AIDS have said that people with HIV/AIDS who live in the family should be cared and treated well.

The scholars asked that the family be given counseling and medical care so as to avoid any infection.

In a hadith the Prophet PBUH said, "Be merciful (to) those (who are) on the Earth, (The ones) who are in the heaven/sky will be merciful (to) you (all). (Rawaahu At Tirmidhi)." 

Islam in any forms respected fetal bladder by a mother who suffered from HIV/AIDS.

According to Kiyai Ma'ruf, a pregnant woman suffering from HIV/AIDS, should not get an abortion.

In the process of the birth of her baby, the scholars suggested, should be treated by medical team/paramedics who were trained to avoid the possibility of transmission.

It is based on the hadith of the Prophet PBUH. "Allah SWT always helps the servant as long as the servant helps his brother*."

In addition, the scholars suggested that children who suffer from HIV/IDS remain mandatory to do circumcision.

Surely, all will not harm him. The process of circumcision is also recommended to be done by the medical team/paramedics that are trained to avoid contagion.

The scholars also encourage people to take care other people with HIV/AIDS whether (in case) its affected by free sex or adultery.

In addition, people with HIV/AIDS [affected by illegal means] should also be invited to repent to Allah SWT.

This was in accordance with the word of Allah in Surah al-Israa [17-70], 'Indeed, We have glorified the generations of Adam.*"

As well as people with HIV/AIDS affected due to misuse of drug injection. Scholars requested that they must be treated humanely, mentored and guided to repent.

In fact, Islam teaches Muslims to help people with HIV/AIDS who had been in accident, for example on traffic accident. The victims should be rescued but by avoiding possibilities of transmission by using decontaminated tool.

In fact, when people with HIV/AIDS died, they shall be treated well as required by appropriate bodies, such as to be washed, shrouded, and buried as well prayed.

The way of bathing the bodies should be as recommended by the instructions of Ministry of Health about it. Indeed, Islam is a blessing for the universe.

*Unofficial translation

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