Rabu 02 Jan 2013 21:00 WIB

Data in next Indonesian elections will be accurate

Local electoral committee members bring ballot boxes in Madura, East Java. (illustration)
Foto: Antara/M Risyal Hidayat
Local electoral committee members bring ballot boxes in Madura, East Java. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The General Elections Commission (KPU) has said elections data in the coming 2014 general elections will be more accurate than the data in the previous elections. "We are now collecting data based on an e-ID cards (electronic identity cards) system so that there would be no fictitious data in the coming general elections," Ferry Kurnia Rizkiansyah, a KPU commissioner, said here on Wednesday.

He said that data released by the Ministry of Home Affairs on November 7, 2012, based on e-ID card system showed that a total of 172,426,571 voters had been recorded. "The KPU has already recorded 172,426,571 eligible voters for the next general elections in 2014," he said.

He said that the KPU would sort out military and police personnel who had not voting rights. Thus, what remains to be done by the KPU is to register people who had not yet been recorded in the e-ID card program, those who have just reached 17 years old, those who had not yet reached 17 years but are already married and military/police personnel who are going to retire.

Ferry said that the KPU hoped the people`s participation in efforts to make the legislative and presidential elections in 2014 a success. "We hope that the public would be proactive in checking their names whether they are already registered on the provisional voters list. It should not happened that they kick a fuss only after the permanent list is already published," he added.


sumber : Antara
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