Sabtu 21 Apr 2012 21:59 WIB

Batik Campur Sari, when classic meets modern

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Batik with modern taste (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Saiful Bahri
Batik with modern taste (illustration)

Omah Batik Sekar Turi in Sleman, Yogyakarta mixes the pattern of classic batik with modern named Batik Campur Sari. “We hope Batik Campur Sari become a specialty from Sleman to distinguish them from other batik products,’ the owner of Omah Batik Sekar Turi, Endang Wilujeng, said on Saturday.

Batik Campur Sari is the mixture of contemporary classic batik motives added with various colors. “Along this time, the products of contemporary classic batik in Yogyakarta are always in black, white and brown. They are less attractive,” she said.

The idea to create this batik is from the competition in batik market. They sellers must develop batik motives and colors to boost the trade. “The price of contemporary classic batik cannot be high. Meanwhile, for Batik Campur Sari, the price is expensive. It is ranging from 125,000 IDR to 2.5 million IDR per sheet,” she said. 

The difficulty in the making process contributes to the high price. Yet, the demand is high. She also hopes government can support the batik and make Batik Campur Sari as the specialty of Sleman. 



sumber : Antara
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