Jumat 21 Dec 2018 20:26 WIB

TGB officially joins Golkar

TGB says he has been communicating with Golkar Party for quite a while.

Rep: Fauziah Mursid, Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Golkar Party chairman Airlangga Hartarto officially introduce former West Nusa Tenggara governor (NTB) Muhammad Zainul Majdi or Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) as Golkar cadre in a meeting ahead of Political Year 2019, in Jakarta, Thursday (Dec 20) night.
Foto: Republika/Fauzi Ridwan
Golkar Party chairman Airlangga Hartarto officially introduce former West Nusa Tenggara governor (NTB) Muhammad Zainul Majdi or Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) as Golkar cadre in a meeting ahead of Political Year 2019, in Jakarta, Thursday (Dec 20) night.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Former Governor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and former Democratic Party cadre Muhammad Zainul Majdi or Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) decided to join Golkar Party. This decision was taken after he discussed it for quite a while with the party.

"Of course, I've already discussed it for such a long time with the Golkar Party. Alhamdulliah (thank God) and thank you for the acceptance (of the Golkar Party)," said TGB after attending the Golkar Party gathering at the Dharmawangsa Hotel, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, Thursday (Dec 20).

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TGB considered Golkar Party to be a strong moderate party, also with its technocratic value. According to him, the moderation was needed now and in the future. It was the reason why he joined the Golkar Party.

"Moderation is very important, now or in the future. So the pattern of thinking to find solutions, patterns of thinking that are not confrontational, and not diametric (divided in two) are important for a nation," said TGB.

TGB said he made the decision to join Golkar as an effort to preach and contribute to the Indonesian people.

"For me, wherever I am as a Muslim, I mean it as da'wah, as an Indonesian wherever I am the goal is to be able to contribute to the Indonesia," said TGB.

Chairman of Golkar Party Airlangga Hartarto officially announced TGB's decision to join the Golkar in a party gathering ahead of 2019 Election Year, at Hotel Dharmawangsa, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, South, Thursday (Dec 20) night.

He officially introduced TGB as a Golkar cadre in the presence of Vice President Jusuf Kalla, Chairman of the Golkar Expert Council Agung Laksono, Deputy Chairman of the Golkar Honorary Council Akbar Tanjung, speaker of House of parliament Bambang Soesatyo, and other Golkar elite ranks.

"Congratulations on joining Mr. KH Muhammad Zainul Majdi or TGB. On this occasion the Vice President and all invitations, the Golkar extended family are happy because of the presence of Mr. TGB," Airlangga said in his speech.

Airlangga also officially introduced TGB to the management of the Golkar Party, namely as Chairman of the Coordinator of Community Affairs and at the same time the Deputy Chairman of Presidential Election and Legislative Election Board. According to Airlangga, the position has also been approved by the Golkar Party DPP plenary meeting.

"Yesterday at the DPP plenary meeting, they unanimously approved Mr. TGB to be one of the DPP administrators," said the Minister of Industry.

He revealed, the joining of TGB also added to the spirit of the Golkar Party cadres throughout Indonesia. He expecteed TGB could help Golkar win in the upcoming elections.

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