Ahad 06 May 2012 21:49 WIB

Hundreds houses in Batik pattern

Rep: Ira Sasmita/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
One of batik patterned bouses in Palbatu Batik Village.
Foto: Republika/Ira Sasmita
One of batik patterned bouses in Palbatu Batik Village.

Hundred houses in Palbatu, Tebet, South Jakarta, are quite unique as they are painted in batik pattern. Yes, houses in batik pattern!

The first idea came from one of its resident who was a batik maker, one of the creators, Harry Domino, said on Saturday. The area is named Palbatu Batik Village.

The number of the painted house excels other areas with batik pattern so that Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) presents the village an award. "This is the second award from MURI," Domino said. 

Earlier, on July 2011, MURI gave the village an award as the initiator of the longest street painted in Batik pattern, which was 133.9 meters. After they successfully painted the street, they expanded the youth creativity in painting the wall in batik. 

"The youths do not only find outlet for their skills, but also conserving batik," he said.

The residents of Palbatu also hold Jakarta Batik Carnival started from May 5-6. With "Let's make batik" theme, they invite people to learn philosophy of batik painters. About 20 batik makers open batik shop in their house. The visitors can also learn how to make batik in the clothes, plate, pot, and even aluminum stove. Some also sell Betawi culinary, such as kerak telor (kind of omelet –Ed), selendang mayang ice, soto (Indonesian soup –Ed), and cendol ice in Jakarta Batik Carnival.



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