Kamis 04 Aug 2016 18:23 WIB

Minister launches Measles Crash Program in Pontianak

Nila F. Moeloek (Republika/Raisan Al Farisi)
Nila F. Moeloek (Republika/Raisan Al Farisi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PONTIANAK -- Health Minister Nila Farid Moeloek launched a Measles Crash Program integrated with a month of Vitamin A supplements and worm medicine in Pontianak, West Kalimantan Province on Thursday.

"A total of 83 districts/municipalities have implemented the provision of Vitamin A capsules, de-worming and immunization against measles simultaneously, including in Pontianak," said Nila while announcing the commencement of the Measles Crash Program in Pontianak.

She explained that Indonesia is committed to achieving the elimination of measles by the year 2020. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the immune status of vulnerable groups and increase community immunity to implement the Measles Crash Program in 183 districts/cities in 28 provinces, which is an area with a high risk of measles spreading.

"This activity involves the provision of supplementary measles immunization to children aged nine to 59 months, regardless of their previous measles immunization status. So the immune people in the area will increase and may decrease the incidence of measles," the minister explained.

Meanwhile, every February and August, Vitamin A supplementation for children in the age group of nine to 59 months in Indonesia, is imparted at no charge.

"The efforts are made to ensure the adequate intake of vitamin A in infants, which is currently part of the Vitamin A supplements coverage nationwide and has reached 80 percent," Nila said.

Vitamin A supplements being distributed has been in practice since 1978, with the aim of preventing children from going blind, as well as to increase a child's immunity from disease.

"Intake of Vitamin A in children needs to be increased and satisfied, because the vitamin A intake through vegetables and fruits on a daily basis is not adequate," she said.

According to Nila, giving Vitamin A also needs to be accompanied by the provision of a worm medicine so that the absorption of nutrients in the toddler is perfect and can improve the nutritional status of the community, because worm infection in children will lead to health problems, such as malnutrition that could have an impact on morbidity and mortality in children.

Based on data from the Health Ministry in 2015, as many as 18.1 million children were given anthelmintic, in 2016 the administration had distributed de-worming drugs among children aged 12 to 59 months in 295 districts/cities in 32 provinces.

"The health of children is an important part of national development, and crucial for the future of the country, which is determined by the nation's next generation and that health should be maintained, whether physical, mental and social," she said.

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